Introduction to the phonetic (sound) system of various languages. Study and analysis of phonetic modifications, phonological rules, syllabic structure, metric / prosodic characteristic words and phrases, with focus on Greek language. Some of the topics under concern are:
• the peculiarities and universal characteristics of the phonetic systems of a wide range of languages (mostly Greek), the nature and the field of action of the phonological rules,
• sound as a wave and its digital coding, the perception and characteristics of natural sounds through computer modeling, the digital composition and analysis of linguistic sound and its categorization based on its physical characteristics.
Δημήτρης Παπαζαχαρίου,
Αθανασία - Λήδα Δήμου,
maximosathenarc [dot] gr (Μάξιμος Καλιακάτσος-Παπακώστας)