The course focuses on general issues of techno-economic design and implementation of telecommunication networks as well as current issues relating to regulation in the telecommunications’ market.
An introduction to the techno-economic valuation of networks and services is given and the basic concepts and ways of valuing investments are analyzed.
The way of calculating the first installation cost and the dimensioning of selected architectures and technologies are analyzed. For telecommunication solutions, methods are given to calculate the operating costs of maintenance and the management costs of a modern network.
Mathematical methods for calculating service demand are presented, through technology diffusion models. An introduction to service and network pricing and life cycle cost modelling.
The basic structure of investment valuation, the financial indicators as well as modern business models of access network providers and virtual providers (MVNO) are presented.
Finally, there is an introduction to uncertainty problems and sensitivity analysis as well as applications of real options theory in matters of telecommunication networks through case studies.
During the course, case studies are implemented by each examinee. These case studies concern foreign countries.