Ομιλία "An introduction to Git" - Πέμπτη 19/12/2024, Αίθουσα Α2, Ώρα: 17:00 έως 18:00


Ομιλία "An introduction to Git" (Πέμπτη 19/12/2024, Αίθουσα Α2, Ώρα: 17:00 έως 18:00) :
Speaker: Elias Machairas

Announcement Content:
Git is the most popular tool for doing Version Control. Version Control is the systematic way of saving backups - versions - of any work you do in a computer, i.e. saving your work at precise points in time with precise descriptions all under your control. This degree of control when taking snapshots (backups) of your projects is crucial when it comes to software where even single line modifications/updates can cause your entire application to crash. Once you have created your backups using Git, Git offers a myriad of services such as the ability to precisely compare any two backups and get a nice report displaying line-by-line
differences, or see in which backups a particular file has been modified, etc. Already these two services just mentioned beat most manual-backup methodologies that computer users usually settle on. And Git can do much more. In particular, Git's ability to precisely track changes also enables multiple people to work simultaneously on the same project and even modify the same files, and Git combines their work seamlessly
(essentially combines - "merges" - two backups into one) automating all the boring stuff and greatly enhancing a team's productivity. You may have already experience this collaborative side of Git if you have ever downloaded something from Github, Gitlab or any other Git hosting sites.
These are all sites that store (host) projects made using Git, and where multiple people work on these projects in parallel. In this talk, we will start assuming no Git background at all and we will gradually cover all the basic concepts and get familiar with the tool. At the end of the talk you should have a clear sense of what Git is and how to use it and you may even disagree with the rumours that Git is difficult. So what are you waiting for ? Come by and add Git to your workflow.

The talk will be in English. Everyone interested is welcome. Also, note that although Git is mostly used in software projects (where precise tracking of modifications is extremely important) you can use Git for
whatever project you do in a computer, e.g. writing a novel in a .docx file. It really boils down to the desire and need of having precise control over your project's versions and history.
