General Secretariat for Research and Technology research grants (2012-2015)

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Program «EXCELLENCE», General Secretariat for Research and Technology

  1. «MMD:  Mining Mobility Data»
    Duration: 2012-2014
    Budget: 192000 euro
    Coordinator: D. Gunopulos
  2. ESPRESSO: Exploiting Structure in Polynomial Equation and System Solving for Geometric and Game Modelling.
    Duration: 2012-2015.
    Budget: 200.000 Euros
    Coordinator: Prof.  I. Z. Emiris.
  3. ART-IN-SPACE: Adaptive, Robust to Threats, Immune to Nonlinearities, Sparse Opportunistic Cognitive Radio.
    Duration: 2012-2015.
    Budget: 175.000 Euros
    Coordinator: Prof. N. Kalouptsidis
  4. FINER:  Towards Fully Integrated Elections and Referendum Systems.
    Duration: 2012-2015
    Budget: 499.000 Euros.
    Coordinator:  Prof. A. Kayias
  5. Morph-PL: Advanced Programming Languages with Class Morphing.
    Duration: 2012-2015.
    Budget: 342.008 Euros.
    Coordinator:  Prof. Y. Smaragdakis.
  6. ASSURANCE: Adaptive Sparsity-Aware Distributed Learning with Applications to Cognitive Radio.
    Duration: 2012-2015.
    Budget: 300.000 Euros
    Coordinator: Prof.  S. Theodoridis.


Program «EXCELLENCE ΙΙ», General Secretariat for Research and Technology

  1. CONECT: Chaos Optical Networks: from Sensing to Cryptography
    Duration: 2014-2015
    Budget: 300.000 Euros.
    Coordinator:  Prof. D. Syvridis
  2. SCARE: Scalable Reasoning and Query Processing for Linked Geospatial Data
    Duration: 2014-2015
    Budget: 236.000 Euros.
    Coordinator:  Prof. M. Koubarakis
  1. SCORPIUS: Single-Chip Radiation Tolerant Dynamically Reconfigurable Payload Data Processing Units for Future Space Applications
    Duration: 2014-2015
    Budget: 236.000 Euros.
    Coordinator:  Prof. A. Paschalis
  1. StochSoCs: Flexible Systems on Chip for Parallel Stochastic Simulation of large biochemical networks in Systems Biology
    Duration: 2014-2015
    Budget: 236.000 Euros.
    Coordinator:  Prof. E. Manolakos