The website of the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications was redesigned in 2018-2020 by:
Maria Roussou, Assistant Professor
Design - Implementation
Athanasia Kolovou, Instructional Lab. Personnel
Graphic design - Content Management
Leda Halatsi, Technical Lab. Personnel
Design and Support of User Evaluation
Dimitris Krikonis, alumnus 2019
Technical Support
Αnna Dimenou, Technical Lab. Personnel
Additional contributions (in the evaluation of different versions of the website and feedback) by members of the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications: Prof. Yiannis Cotronis, Assistant Prof. George Alexandropoulos, undergraduate students Maria Fritzela and Ioannis Pelekoudas, and students of the 4th year Human-Computer Interaction course 2018-2019 & 2019-2020.