The Department of Informatics and Telecommunications participates in the university-wide Open Days, an event targeted to final year high school students to introduce them to the University's departments.
- Open Day 2020
- Open Day 2019
- Open Day 2017
The Museum of Informatics & Telecommunications (MI&T) is a University of Athens museum housed at the Department of Informatics & Telecommunications. Founded in September 2019, it is the newest addition to the University's 18 museums.

The ACM University of Athens Student Chapter provides unique opportunities for networking, mentoring and bonding over common interests. It provides support both within the student community and to local communities outside the institution.
ACM local chapters engage members through talks by local practitioners, visits from prominent speakers from the ACM Distinguished Speakers Program, technical and career workshops and social activities. Chapters are the engines that drive networking and learning on a local level.

The Department of Informatics & Telecommunications participates in the "Educational Programs of NKUA for the School Units of Primary and Secondary Education" with the educational program "The Magic of Informatics". The program brings students into contact with fundamental concepts and functions of computer science in a playful way. In the end, everyone realizes that the way computers work is not magical, and that "magic tricks" have a computational explanation.