Varoutas Dimitris
Telecommunications and Signal Processing
- Ph.D. in Telecommunications (2003) Dept. of Informatics and Telecommunications, Univ. of Athens
- M.Sc. in Electronics and Telecommunications (2000), Departments of Physics and Informatics, Univ. of Athens
- B.Sc. in Physics (1993) Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Athens
- Aug 2005 - today: Lecturer, Dpt. of Informatics & Telecommunications, University of Athens
- Apr 2002 – Feb 2006: Visiting Lecturer/Assistant Prof., Dpt. of Telecomm Science & Technology, Univ. of Peloponnese.
- Sep 1997 – Feb 2001: Visiting Lecturer, Dpt. of Electronics, Technological Institute (TEI) of Athens.
- 1993 – 2005: Research assistant, Dpt. Informatics and Telecommunications, Univ. of Athens.
Research Interests
- Telecommunications systems and networks. Several activities under EU funded projects. Main focus on components and sybsystems modelling
- Technoeconomic evaluation of networks. Participation in several EU funded project. Leading technoeconomic activities in ICT OMEGA project
- Telecommunications business and markets. Coordination of several FTTx studies in national level for government and regulator
- Optical communications and networking. Modelling of FTTx architectures.
- Broadband communications and services. Analysis of broadband strategies.
- Wireless communications, with emphasis on free space optical communications and game-theoretic approaches in networking