Distinction for PhD Candidate Konstantinos Kechagias in the GreenTech Challenge for Green Innovation

Konstantinos Kechagias, PhD candidate in the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, has been awarded first place in the esteemed national GreenTech Challenge. This competition, notable for its focus on green innovation, is overseen by the UNESCO Chair for Green Innovations and Circular Economy at the National Technical University of Athens and is endorsed by the Ministry of Environment and Energy.

Among 290 entries, Kechagias excelled by securing the top position in the Energy category, with recognition from the Public Power Corporation (PPC). Additionally, he received an honorary distinction in the researcher’s thematic category, making his entry the only one in the competition to be honored with dual awards.

His winning entry proposed a service-oriented solution for energy management, designed to tackle the complexities of the current energy ecosystem. The innovative platform and idea revolved around smart energy management with a focus on enhancing sustainability. This approach has a significant societal impact as it aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, particularly targeting Affordable and Clean Energy (Goal 7), Sustainable Cities and Communities (Goal 11), Responsible Consumption and Production (Goal 12), and Climate Action (Goal 13).

This remarkable achievement has garnered the support of the Google and ACM communities at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, specifically through initiatives like the Google Developer Student Club and ACM Student Chapter, underscoring the vibrant collaboration within the early years of these communities.