Doctoral (PhD) Studies

The Department of Informatics and Telecommunications operates a Doctoral Degree Program in a wide range of research fields. Doctoral studies aim to promote original scientific research and lead to the acquisition of a Doctoral Degree (PhD) which certifies the preparation of original scientific research and the substantial contribution of his / her research in the development of their respective discipline. The research of the PhD candidates is supervised by Department faculty.

The results of the doctoral dissertation are expected to be published in leading scientific conferences and journals by the world's leading scientific bodies in Computer Science and Telecommunications, such as the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and the Computer Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

In most cases, PhD candidates are supported through significant public funding (from the European Union, Greek Ministry of Education or State Scholarships Foundation) through competing doctoral research aid programs. The Department's research activities are also enhanced through partnerships with major IT companies in Europe, the USA and Asia. This framework provides excellent conditions for developing high-level doctoral research as it provides the most up-to-date computing equipment (hardware and software) as well as support for regular PhD candidates' participation in leading international scientific conferences in their major science research areas.

Doctors of the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications often pursue research courses at universities or research centers in Greece and abroad or participate in research / development departments of companies in the field of Informatics worldwide.

Secretarial Support for PhD Studies

Galanaki Antigoni
Γραφείο Γραμματείας - Ισόγειο
+30 210 7275228

Applicants for admission to the DP may apply for the following qualifications:

  • Basic Degree of Greek University or equivalent degree awarded to a recognized foreign institution in Greece (if the diploma is from a foreign Higher Educational Institution, it must be accompanied by a certificate of equivalence and correspondence from the Hellenic National Recognition and Information Center (NARIC/ΔΟΑΤΑΠ).
  • Accredited Postgraduate Diploma in Computer Science, Telecommunications, or any of the interdisciplinary areas that treat the Interdisciplinary MSc Degree in which the Department is affiliated, as listed on its website (not required in the case of a single & uninterrupted postgraduate degree).
  • Certificate of English language proficiency at least B2 level.

Candidates may also be postgraduate students who are completing their last semester of study and are expected to obtain a Postgraduate Diploma until they have completed their dissertation. Further information on the right to apply for a doctoral dissertation, the process of selecting doctoral candidates and the doctoral dissertation preparation can be found in the Department's Doctoral Regulation and its related regulations.

There is no maximum number of admissions per year to the Doctoral Program.

Interested parties should submit the standard application form with the required supporting documents following the open call for applications announced by the Department on its website. Candidates should specify in their application the proposed doctoral dissertation title, the proposed supervised professor, a documented scientific proposal and a doctoral dissertation draft as well as the proposed dissertation language. Applications for PhD dissertation are submitted to the Secretariat of the Department. This procedure takes place twice a year, during the months of October and March.

PhD candidates' Rights

Doctoral Candidates (MDs) admitted to the PhD program have up to five (5) full academic years from their first enrollment, all the rights and benefits provided to postgraduate students.

The author of the doctoral dissertation is the proprietor of the intellectual and property right, the content of his dissertation, in accordance with Greek law 2121/1993, as applicable. Industrial property rights (e.g. inventions), which may arise from the results of a doctoral dissertation research, belong to both the doctor and supervising professor or other researchers in the research team, in accordance with applicable law.

More information on the rights of PhD candidates can be found in the Department's Doctoral Regulation (in Greek) and its related rules (in Greek).


PhD candidates' Obligations

The minimum time for obtaining a PhD is three (3) full calendar years and the maximum time is six (6) full calendar years.

Doctoral studies are offered free of charge.

Each year, from September to December, the PhD candidate submits a detailed memo in writing about the progress of their Doctoral Thesis.

With the assent of the supervisor, part of the candidate's research can be carried out in another institution / institute / research center / enterprise of the country or abroad in order to achieve the optimal research result.

In all publications (in journals, conferences, book chapters, etc.) resulting from the Doctoral Thesis, the PhD candidate is obliged to declare the as affiliation: "Department of Informatics and Telecommunications of the National and Kapodistrian University" and the domain address in the "" domain.

The Phd candidate is required to successfully complete any course requirements as set at the commencement of his / her dissertation.

In order to achieve the integration of the academic personality and training of the PhD candidates in the requirements of the research and teaching area, PhD candidates are preparing for the Academic Experience Exercise, which is carried out within the structures and procedures of the Department. The Academic Experience Exercise consists of three sections: 1) Attendance and presentation of scientific lectures. 2) Writing Scientific Papers and Academic Ethics. 3) The Department supports the acquisition of academic experience of the PhD candidates through their experiential participation in the educational process under the guidance and supervision of the Department's teachers. The Assembly of the Department identifies individual issues of the Exercise of Academic Experience.

PhD candidates are required to cite sources of research results that they use in their research to avoid plagiarism and related misconduct.

Further information on the PhD candidates’ obligations can be found in the Department's Doctoral Studies Regulation (in Greek) and its related rules (in Greek).

Detailed information, as well as the relevant standards for writing and submitting a PhD thesis, are provided in this webpage.

The General Assembly of the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications has appointed the following professors as members of the Coordinating Committee for Doctoral Studies (CCDS):

  • Georgios Kouroupetroglou (Director),
  • Mema Roussopoulos,
  • Stathes Hadjiefthymiades,
  • Stavros Kolliopoulos,
  • Ioannis Panagakis,
  • Nancy Alonistioti
  • Filippos Tzaferis.

The CCDS is responsible for monitoring and coordinating the operation of the Doctoral Studies Program and recommends to the Department's Assembly on all issues related to the Doctoral Studies.