Παρουσίαση διπλωµατικής εργασίας µε τίτλο: “Investigation and modelling of the electron flux radial profiles in the outer radiation belt with machine learning methods”


Παρουσίαση διπλωµατικής εργασίας µε τίτλο: “Investigation and modelling of the electron flux radial profiles in the outer radiation belt with machine learning methods”


“This thesis’ goal is the accurate description and modelling of the radial profiles of electron f luxes in the outer radiation belt, focusing on the distribution of energetic electrons as a function of L*, with multiple methods including Artificial Neural Networks. For this study we use the MagEIS data, with energies that range between 0.033 MeV - 4.062 MeV and L* values from 3.05 up to 6.35 with a delta of 0.1, from 2012 up to 2019. We implement an exponential cut-off power-law fit function for the electron flux to describe the fluctuation of electron flux as L* changes. This function includes 3 parameters a, b, c, where a is the intensity factor, b is the power-law index, and c is the index of the exponential component. The function is tested through a fitting onto the data that results in a set of reconstructed fit flux data, which we directly compare with the original MagEIS data, thus proving the accurate description of the radial electron flux profiles in the outer radiation belt. We also investigate the relationship between these parameters and a collection of geomagnetic indices and solar wind parameters by calculating the Pearson corelation and Mutual Information of each pairing. Through this process we come into a conclusion regarding the energies and variables to be included in the following methods. We first instigate a multivariate regression on the included energies with the variables that showed the most promising results in our corelation investigation. We then construct an artificial neural network model that is trained and tested on the same aforementioned selected data. Finally, we compare the artificial neural network model’s results to the original MagEIS data, confirming its ability to reconstruct flux data accurately and discussing its limitations.”

Ο σύνδεσµος εξέτασης της Διπλωµατικής, η οποία θα λάβει χώρα την Τρίτη 24/01/2025 στις 15.00 , είναι ο ακόλουθος:

Topic: ΔΠΜƩ STAR | MSc Thesis Presentation – Kimon Sotirios Tsilias


Friday, January 24, 2025 3:00 PM | 2 hours | (UTC+02:00) Athens, Bucharest

Meeting number: 2731 587 9924

Password: ctYe4iU3tP6

Access code: 273 158 79924

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