We are pleased to announce that the team of the FLogA project of Prof. Elias Manolakos was selected among more than 100 teams and participated together with 11 other teams in the final of the Greenathon | AI4Good competition of the Ministry of Environment and Energy on Tuesday, November 11, 2020. In the final round, the PhD candidate of our Department Nikos Bogdos, presented the prototype of the CITISENS service (CITIzens as SENSors) developed by the team, which aims to combat the risk of forest fires, based on the active participation of citizens (citizens science) and the use of artificial intelligence. The final round has been filmed and you can watch it by following the link https://greenathon.ai4goodchallenge.com/home-en/ (our presentation starts at 2:44').
For more information about CITISENS follow the links below:
IEEE Access Publication: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8777073
Quick concept video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_laq97xMRvU
FLogA YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMANFVtEK00bX3VtqlEJXyw