Data Science / Data Management / Databases

EOSC Enhance - Enhancing the EOSC portal and connecting thematic clouds
EOSC Enhance pursues 4 objectives:
Enhance the service provider interface and incorporate new services and resources into the EOSC catalogue
Accelerate the deployment and uptake of EOSC services and resources

NEANIAS - Novel EOSC Services for Emerging Atmosphere, Underwater & Space Challenges - aims to promote Open Science practices and actively contribute to the materialization of the EOSC ecosystem by engaging large scientific and professional communities, extending its offerings and supporting…

Detection of changes using satellite imagery and social networks, as part of the H2020 Copernicus App Lab research project.
Researchers: Prof. M. Koubarakis, G. Argyriou.

AI4EU will efficiently build a comprehensive European AI-on-demand platform to lower barriers to innovation, to boost technology transfer and catalyse the growth of start-ups and SMEs in all sectors through Open calls and other actions. The platform will act as a broker, developer and one-stop shop…

The European RI landscape is diverse (RI operators, managers, users (researchers, industry) decision makers, funders). Past efforts were directed towards gaining insight into available RIs, national RI road mapping practices, and planning of pan-European RIs. A catalogue of services for e-…

Analyzing, in real time, data from various sensors installed in Dublin, we can see real problems that are detected in the city by the analysis of VaVeL.
The research was carried out by Prof. D. Gounopoulos, N. Zygouras, N. Panagiotou, R. Dona, A. Saravanou as part of the research project Η2020…

GeoREgC is a Partnership Proposal of GEOAPIKONISIS S.A., a consulting company of engineers and geoinformatics, and the Research Team of UoA’s Department of Informatics and Telecommunications.
The project’s scope is the exploitation of Open Public Data, as are published in Greek Government Gazette…

OpenAIRE-Advance continues the mission of OpenAIRE to support the Open Access/Open Data mandatesinEurope. By sustaining the current successful infrastructure, comprised of a human network and robust technical services, it consolidates its achievements while working to shift the momentum among its…

Professor Dimitrios Gunopulos is the recipient of the Yahoo Faculty Research And Engagement Program 2015 Award.

The following faculty members of the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications of the NKUA have been awarded IEEE Fellowship:
Prof. D. Gizopoulos: “for contributions to microprocessor architectures self-testing and on-line error detection”, 2013.
Prof. Y. Ioannidis: “for contributions to…

Prof. Y. Ioannidis has been awarded by the Institute for Research and Technology (ITE) Greece the "Vassilis Xanthopoulos - Stephanos Pnevmatikos" Award for Excellence in Academic Teaching 2006.