
European Research Council (ERC) Proof of Concept Grants
- PARSe: Program Analysis and Reorganization, as a Service
Duration: 2018-2020
Budget: 150 000 Euros
Coordinator: Prof. Y. Smaragdakis
European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grants
They allow exceptional established research leaders of any nationality and any age to pursue ground-breaking, high-risk projects that open new directions in their respective research fields or other domains.
- ALGAME: Algorithms, Games, Mechanisms, and the Price of Anarchy
Duration: 2013-2018
Budget: 2 500 000 Euros
Coordinator: Prof. E. Koutsoupias
European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grants
They aim to support up-and-coming research leaders and supports the creation of excellent new research teams.
- SPADE: Sophisticated Program Analysis, Declaratively
Duration: 2013-2018
Budget: 1 042 616 Euros
Coordinator: Prof. Y. Smaragdakis
- CODAMODA: Controlling Data Movement in the Digital Age
Duration: 2011-2017
Budget: 1 212 959 Euros
Coordinator: Prof. A. Kayias
- PPP: Protecting and Preserving Human Knowledge for Posterity
Duration: 2011-2016
Budget: 1 032 916 Euros
Coordinator: Prof. M. Roussopoulou
- RIMACO: Rigorous Mathematical Connections between the Theory of Computations and Statistical Physics
Duration: 2008-2013
Budget: 750 000 Euros
Coordinator: Prof. D. Achlioptas