Amplifiers, basic characteristics performance, typical models, frequency responsee. Operational amplifiers, revering and non reversing topologies, differential amplifiers, integrators, differentators. Introduction to semiconductors (doped semiconductors, pn junction, bias of a pn junction).Applications of a pn diode (semi, full rectifier, limiter). Special type of diodes (zener, varactor, photodiodes). Bipolar transistors, (structure of the transistor, basic functionality, characteristic curves and parameters, the transistor as an amplifier, as a switch, logic gates). Transistor bias circuits. Basic amplifier topologies (common emitter, common base, common collector). Bipolar small signal amplifiers (equivalent Ac small signal circuits) Frequency response of the amplifier.
Sedra/Smith, Microelectronic circuits, 7th edition, Publisher Papasotiriou