Project Funding for Research Excellence

Bacterial film analysis at the cellular level.
BaSCA is an innovative automated software tool that detects the characteristics of bacteria in cell films with thousands of cells. It includes an R-package that allows the user to create the genealogical trees of the bacterial clones and to visualize…

The purpose of the project THALES - DUTH - 3D Object Retrieval is the research, design and implementation of original robust and effective methodologies for the retrieval of static and spatiotemporal three-dimensional (3D) objects.
The project lasted 45 months (2012-2016) and was funded under the…

The power consumed, and the subsequent heat release, increase despite the reduction in the size of the transistors. High levels of energy reduce the reliability of chips and their life expectancy, and create the need for more frequent charging on mobile devices.
Modern processors face reliability…

Interoperability of data and procedures in large-scale multinational disaster response actions
IDIRA developed a set of tools, interfaces and procedures designed to be configured, deployed and operated in a flexible manner, providing interoperable services for data integration, information…

Professor Dimitrios Gunopulos is the recipient of the Yahoo Faculty Research And Engagement Program 2015 Award.

Program «EXCELLENCE», General Secretariat for Research and Technology
«MMD: Mining Mobility Data»
Duration: 2012-2014
Budget: 192000 euro
Coordinator: D. Gunopulos
ESPRESSO: Exploiting Structure in Polynomial Equation and System Solving for Geometric and Game Modelling.
Duration: 2012-…

National Science Foundation (NSF) Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award (USA)
Data mining techniques for geospatial applications
Duration: 09/2000 – 08/2004
Budget: $ 320,000
Principal Investigator: D. Gunopulos
Reliable Peer-to-Peer Data Preservation
Duration: 2005-2009…

The FP6-MOBILITY Marie Curie Chairs (EXC) awarded is a Marie Curie Chair for Professor Alexandros Eleftheriadis, a Greek who is currently a tenured Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering at Columbia University in the U.S.A. The Chair will assist the University of Athens to bring him back to…